22 June 2020, Dordrecht, The Netherlands Force Majeur Statement by Insula College, Dordrecht, the Coordinating School of the KA229 Erasmus+ Project ‘Euse Science to STEAM up your School’ 2018-2020, supported by all of the partner schools: Obrtnička škola, Split, Wolfgang-Borchert-Gesamtschule, Recklinghausen, Fridagymnasiet , Vänersborg, Kildegaardskolen, Copenhagen, Liceo Monjardin, Pamplona The partner schools of the KA 229 Erasmus+ project ‘EUse Science to STEAM up your School’ have decided unanimously, after deliberating all the possible options in March and April 2020, to abandon the last exchange of the project, planned from 20 April to 24 April 2020, as safety of pupils and teachers could not be guaranteed. Current developments in the Covid-19 pandemic cannot guarantee safe travel in the near future, and several partner schools have banned all travel for the coming school year, so a postponement of the project is not an option for our schools. For LTTA C6, Germany, Denmark and Sweden were unable to travel to Croatia in April 2020 with their pupils due to safety concerns, official travel advice, lockdowns, consent of parents and the social distancing measures in the countries involved. Therefore, due to the Force Majeur of the Covid-19 crisis, C6 has been cancelled and the partner schools will proceed to finish the project within the original timeframe.
School education
Film projection
Online conferences, meetings and webinar
Online games and e-sport tournament
Online testimonies, exhibitions
Tags: Ecology
On Thursday 15th October at 3:00pm, during an online conference, our teachers and students will celebrate Erasmusdays 2020, presenting sustainable development goals of our Erasmus+ KA2 project 'STEAM up your school'. There will be a short film projection about our school, an interactive presentation of our project done by our teacher Miranda Barac, firsthand experience from our students, and a Kahoot quiz done by our teacher Milena Knezovic. The most successful competitor will receive an award.