The Wolfgang-Borchert-Gesamtschule is a medium-sized comprehensive school in Recklinghausen. It is situated on the borderline between the densely populated Ruhr area and the vast recreation area “Die Hardt”. Wolfgang-Borchert-Gesamtschule has got more than 1200 pupils of different nationalities; mainly they originally come from Turkey or Poland. Due to the riots in Syria, there are more and more pupils from Syria attending our school. Around every second year we apply for a foreign language assistant. Besides, there is a bilingual module in which the pupils learn all about natural science and as the classes are held in English, they improve their language skills. At Wolfgang-Borchert-Gesamtschule there are colleagues aged from 26 to 63. Especially the colleagues who are interested in taking part in the project have spent some time abroad and are therefore especially interested in working with foreign colleagues and pupils. Due to the fact that most of our pupils come from families with a low monthly income, they do not have the chance to travel. Due to this fact there are no classtrips for 13-16 years old which prevents our pupils from gaining international experience and that is why this project is very important for our pupils ́ international possibilities. As we have seen with our Erasmus+ project from 2015-2017, we are able to work really good with other European schools. There are so many things to share between pupils and teachers. Different ways of teaching, different knowledge, different cultures and identities. This time we are even 6 countries. For our students it is such a great opportunity to work in science subjects together. Detlef Kolbe: took part in the Erasmus+ project from 2015-2017, legal representative Tobias Grimmert: international coordinator, experienced in exchange activities through former Erasmus+ project 2015-2017 Gerald Schröder: representative of the Science Department, experiences in Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017. Manuel van Megen: representative of the Dutch Department, experiences in Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017. Other teachers also support the project. The Wolfgang-Borchert-Gesamtschule is a “MINT-Partnerschule”. MINT is the abbreviation for Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering. Our school is linked to the zdi-centre in Marl. To encourage our students we offer them the chance to visit “Mechatronic AG” or “AG Steuerungstechnik”. In these AGs the pupils learn the basics of engineering. The aim of the MINT-cooperation is to prepare our students for their future jobs in technology or engineering companies. The Wolfgang-Borchert-Gesamtschule has participated in exchanges with Dordrecht since 2008. Furthermore, our pupils went to Pamplona for a work placement. This has been part of a Comenius project, which was granted in 2010. We were the leading school for the Erasmus+ Project called “EUse Your Brain” from 2015-2017 with our 5 partner schools from Split, Pamplona, Dordrecht and Copenhagen.